Colonial Rugby, Gaza and Israel

I watched the Rugby World Cup Final last night. Held in Saint Denis, South Africa were the winners by one point. I am not a fan of rugby or any competitive sports – football, tennis, baseball; they all send me to sleep. For the most, I would rather read a book. And yet, last nightContinue reading “Colonial Rugby, Gaza and Israel”

No news today.

No milk today, my love has gone away. That is an irreverent opening. I am thinking and writing about the news. Were you ever told that ‘news’ stood for north, east, west, and south? I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. What is new? Ma-Kol Chadash? Last week, I explained to my daughter the Yiddishism ‘Nu?’Continue reading “No news today.”

I saw something circulating on social media yesterday. Jew and Antisemite. Thanks to Jean-Paul and Kit.

I saw something circulating on social media yesterday. You Might Hate Jews It gave me pause. It was all about perspective And solidarity And the mess That is The Right & The Left In the UK and beyond. The Right Yes, With a capital Is traditionally the place of the Antisemite Take the Nazi sympathiserContinue reading “I saw something circulating on social media yesterday. Jew and Antisemite. Thanks to Jean-Paul and Kit.”

Some things don’t get to you until they slap you in the face.

I don’t know if it is unusual, I suspect not; I, like every parent, think continuously about my children. I contemplate their feelings, Their situation, Their progress in life, ups and downs. A bond connects us that only a parent can understand. It is good and bad. Good in that it is special, life affirming,Continue reading “Some things don’t get to you until they slap you in the face.”

Two weeks, fourteen days (another one for Yael)

This is how it goes in Israel. It is not necessarily days of the week, More, days since that Saturday. Whether it is valid to compare what happened in Israel, which has become 10/7 with 9/11 is moot. You can’t compare suffering. You can’t compare pain. You can’t compare loss. My pain and my griefContinue reading “Two weeks, fourteen days (another one for Yael)”

When words are inadequate, emotions overwhelm

I’m struggling to begin, to find the words. My usual strategy for blog initiation, Particularly at times of uncertainty is short sentences. They seem to unlock something inside me. They make accessible the hidden, The locked away. And, Yesterday I spoke with my brother. He had been changing the filters in his bomb shelter. Let’sContinue reading “When words are inadequate, emotions overwhelm”

War – should you care?

Is it more appropriate during such times to turn on the TV and enjoy The Bake-off or Strictly than tune-in to Israel Army Radio (Galei T’Zhahal)? I’ve been struggling, and that is nothing. Imagination is the worst of it. How can they kidnap and hold hostage babies and old men and women? How can theyContinue reading “War – should you care?”

For want of iron my blood was low.

In 1978 the American writer, Susan Sontag described in her book ‘Illness as Metaphor’ the language people at the time used in relation illnesses, particularly cancer and earlier TB. When I was young, several of my parent’s friends died prematurely of cancer (Sidney, Leslie, Ivor, I remember you guys). At the time, the stigma associatedContinue reading “For want of iron my blood was low.”

Lulav, etrog and suddenly a turned ankle.

Yesterday As I ran through Wadworth Woods, Just before a fantastical, head over heels slip on the mud, triggered my Apple fall alarm >Rod would you like to call an ambulance?< (logistics of the woodland obviated this possibility) And twisted my ankle, Limping to the nearest village I smelled My childhood. The odour Of theContinue reading “Lulav, etrog and suddenly a turned ankle.”