Photographic evidence. A long, convoluted road.

Sorry, you are inadequately tenacious to change the world. Go to prison. Do not stop at Go. Do not collect…

Covid – My blog is calling (Week one, through a doctor/dad/outsider’s lens)

Fear of doing the wrong thing is a fundamental of quality improvement. If you are afraid to act because people might call you out or think you stupid, you won’t do anything, and the quality won’t improve. It won’t necessarily deteriorate either, yet, in times of radical change, that is worse.

Change, standing still and evolution

I watch the ripples change their size But never leave the stream Of warm impermanence So, wrote David Bowie in 1972. Whenever I think of change these lyrics play in my mind. Let’s take a position on change – it is essential; critical to the survival of our species – we grow, learn, adapt andContinue reading “Change, standing still and evolution”

Complex Adaptive Systems, Steppenwolf & Siddhartha

The essence of this is not to not do nothing, but, when we act, whether that act is big – going to war, or small, deciding to smile, there is a likelihood that the effects will reverberate far into time and space.